Our Vision

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God’s Word with God’s Heart

God’s Word: One of the first things you are going to notice about Limerick Chapel is that we are unashamed of our love for God’s Word. We sing it. We read it. We preach it. We listen to it. We try to imitate it. God’s Word doesn’t merely fill some empty space in our service. It forms the center of how we think, feel, and act. This is because God has specially revealed himself through His Word and if we desire to know him, love him, and serve him then we must make God’s word the foundation of our lives. And so God’s word becomes a valuable part of the identity of our community.

With God’s Heart: At Limerick Chapel we endeavor to declare and display God’s Word with God’s heart. We want the heart of God to be evident in every song and message. This means that we will willingly and joyfully accept rebuke and correction because we know that we are fallen people and that this rebuke comes from the God of mercy and grace. And this mercy and grace of God comes to a climax in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to bear the punishment of the sin of all those who have submitted to him in faith as Savior and to give them his righteousness. He did all this so that we who have faith might share in his eternal joy!

Our Core Values

We believe that Christ’s church should be a place that assists those that are seeking God and builds believers up as they seek to be more like Christ. At Limerick Chapel we seek to provide opportunities for both. We do this by holding to the following five core values:

1. Transformation – We want to move beyond education of the mind to transformation of the heart and life. Christ-like character and personal holiness are dear to us. (Gal. 4:19; Rom. 8:29; Matt. 28:20)

2. Relationships – Life-change best takes place in relationships. Authentic biblical community is dear to us. (I Thes.2:8; I Peter 1:22)

3. Equipping – Training others to do ministry by helping them identify and use their God-given gifts is dear to us. Developing leadership with Christ-like character and competence is critically important to making disciples. (Eph. 4:12)

4. Multiplication – Multiplying disciples by making disciple-makers is dear to us. We do not just want to shepherd believers, but to reach those who are far from God. (Matt. 28:18-20; John 15:8)