Opportunities for Teens

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Our Teen Ministry exists to disciple teens and help them cultivate a vibrant, devoted relationship with Jesus Christ, while serving others and enjoying fun, edifying activities.

Everything we do in our teen ministry is aimed at encouraging and exhorting each other to grow in our love for God and others .

Teen Ministry Core Values:

  • Jesus-Exalting: We exist to make much of Jesus! He is worthy of our exaltation and we seek to glorify Him through studying His Word and serving His church.
  • God-Centered: Our ministry centers on knowing God (John 17:3), loving God (Deut. 6:4-5), and serving God (Rom. 12:1-2). We want to know our God and grow in our love for Him so that our lives reflect the glory of God with radical Christian living.
  • Word-Driven: We desire to train teens to know the Word, love the Word, and live by the Word. While other activities are fun and worthwhile, we want to be careful to give priority to the Word.
  • Parent-Engaged: Parents are the ones clearly commanded by Scripture to be the primary influence in the spiritual lives of their kids and teens (Deut. 6:7; Psa 78:5-8; Ephesians 6:4). Therefore, one of our main goals is to equip and serve alongside you as parents in effectively discipling and training your teens.

Regular Opportunities – Feel free to email Pastor Armstrong if you would like to know when the next activity is.

  • Mercy Ministry: Jesus has loved and served us and we want to love and serve others as we follow Him. This may mean doing some work at the church, helping in the homes of some of our church families, or volunteering and serving in the neighborhoods and parks of our community. 
  • Fun Activities: We have regular times when we get together and build community through having fun activities and times in the Word. .
  • Weekly Youth Group Meeting: Every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 PM we gather at Limerick Chapel in the teen room for a time of food, fellowship, and study of the Word. During this time we pray for each other, encourage each other, and enjoy some fun games.

For more information on the Limerick Chapel Teen Ministry please contact Pastor Armstrong through the church office or email him at aarmstrong@limerickchapel.org (mailto:aarmstrong@limerickchapel.org).