Opportunities for Men

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In addition to fellowship opportunities at church services, there is a need amongst God’s people to build community through intentional one-anothering. This takes place best in small groups. We believe that true community happens as we study and live the Word together and “do life” together. Below are some opportunities for men in all seasons of life to become part of the community at Limerick Chapel.

Monthly Men’s Bible Studies

On the second Saturday of each month the men meet at 8 AM for food, fellowship, and Bible study. This is a time for men of all ages to come together and share burdens and needs in their life. This time of refocusing on Christ is much needed, even by the toughest man, and is much anticipated by the men here at Limerick Chapel.

On the first Sunday night of each month the men meet at 6 PM for dinner and Bible study. Currently, they are working through the Gospel of John and meet in the church library. A love offering is taken to help with the cost of dinner.

There are other Men’s Bible Studies that meet on different days throughout the week in homes in the area. Feel free to contact us for more information if you are interested.