Sunday Equipping Hour

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We desire to be a community of Christ-followers who long for and live out the teaching of God’s Word. The teaching of the Word of God was paramount in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is to be of great importance to us. Throughout the pages of the gospels we often find crowds of people gathered around Jesus and despite His hunger or weariness the Scripture says, “He taught them.” Therefore we want to grow into being people who know and treasure God’s Word.

In addition to the main worship service, one of the main ways that we grow in our knowledge of the Word is through gathering on Sunday mornings at 9:30 to be taught the Word from caring, qualified teachers. Classes are held in small groups that allow us to make the Word of God practical and applicable to each person’s life. Click to get more information about classes for Adults, Teens, and Kids. Childcare is available for nursery age children.

For Adults


The Sunday Equipping Hour for adults helps us to grow deeper in our knowledge of the overarching truths of our God and the theology, ministry, and history He has authored. We meet every Sunday morning at 9:30am for one hour. The Adult Sunday School Classes are open to all. They cover topics quarterly such as Theology Basics, Church History, Marriage and Family, Parenting, The Christian in the Workplace, Evangelism, and many others.


The purpose of these classes is to educate and equip followers of Christ to know, understand, and utilize the Word of God that we may better see, savor, and serve Christ Jesus.

For Teens


The Sunday Equipping Hour for teens is the primary teaching time for the Youth Group. Teens learn how to study the Bible and then work through books of the Bible and current issues affecting teens in our day.


The purpose of these classes is to teach and model godly habits of Bible study so that each teen becomes proficient in studying God’s Word for themselves and diligent imitators of Christ.

For Kids


The Sunday Equipping Hour for kids helps instill in each child who God is, who the Bible says they are, and how each child can have a relationship with God. Psalm 78:4 states, “We will not hide them [the things passed on from their ancestors about God] from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done.”

We offer three kids classes that present the truth of Scripture in an age-appropriate way that allows the child to understand what God says in His Word.

  • Beginners (3yrs-K)
  • Primary (1st-3rd Grade)
  • Junior (4th-6th Grade)


The purpose of these classes is to build a Christian worldview and understanding of the Bible into each young person so that they will trust in Christ for salvation.