Aaron Armstrong

Family: wife, Amber.

B.S. Bob Jones University in Humanities

Masters of Theological Studies, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary

Serving at Limerick Chapel since 2019

Galatians 6:14 - “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”

I was born and raised in Hanover, PA (snack capital of the world) and was homeschooled through my high school graduation. I attended Bob Jones University and while there met my wife, Amber. I graduated from BJU in 2011 and we were married in March of 2013. We moved back home to Hanover and I continued serving at my home church, Hope Baptist Church, helping with various kids and teens ministries. I taught in a christian school for four years, during which time I was able to finish my Master’s degree. God called my wife and I to serve here at Limerick Chapel in September of 2019 and we are excited to teach the kids and teens more about the incredible gift Jesus gave us through his death on the cross.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing music (I play guitar, banjo, and mandolin), participating in sports (except soccer), and taking photos of nature and trains. I also enjoy reading books and watching videos on different topics. Some of the authors that have influenced me the most are John Frame, John Piper, Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, and D.A. Carson.

I enjoy following sports as well and actively root for the Steelers, Phillies, Roger Federer, and Lebron James.

As a pastor at Limerick Chapel, I want to see the word of God spread through preaching and living. As the people of God are taught the word of God, the Spirit of God will transform his people to be followers of God in all of life. I envision a church where the word of God is treasured and His people are encouraged to love one another and our community.